Remote Hands-on Courses:

Myomectomy defect closure

Myomectomy defect closure

How does an Remote Hands-on Laparoscopic Training Course Work?

If you have a laptop or desktop computer………...Gynesim can provide an on-line all-hands-on training course.

1)    We send you all the equipment including laparoscopic trainer box with HD camera and monitor, laparoscopic instruments and all necessary training supplies.

2)    We help you set up all the two-way audio/video equipment to connect to your computer.

3)    At the scheduled course time, you sign into a two-way video conference for the scheduled course.

4)    You learn how to suture and tie knots with live video demonstration, close real-time supervision and deliberate structured practice. 

5)    You practice your skills on progressively more complex simulation environments including performance of myomectomy and sacrocolpopexy on highest fidelity simulation Real Tissue ModelsTM

6)    We help you return the equipment and supplies– easy pack, easy return shipping.

7)    You receive 17 CME and ABOG Part 4 MOC credit.

No conference opportunity? Wondering how to maintain or improve your skills?

Would you like to finally learn how to laparoscopically suture and tie knots? 

Would you like to learn to perform a laparoscopic myomectomy?

Would you like to perform a laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy?

 You Can take a hands-on laparoscopic training course in your own home

CLICK HERE to inquire about upcoming remote courses.